Friday, November 9, 2007

Status on Cloning in MO

Last year, Amendment 2 passed in MO which redefined 'human cloning' so that this new faulty definition could be banned while permitting embryonic stem cell research to proceed (which involves actual cloning). There is an amendment in the works to ban this research, but it is facing a fight, as the writers of the ballot measure have crafted the proposal to appear as a repeal of the above mentioned 'ban'. This blog has the disguised propostion and the originally intended proposition beneath it.

Contact Missourians For Cures without Cloning to help. As of this afternoon, it sounds like they need another 4,000 trained signature gatherers to petition for this measure to be put on the Missouri ballot. When any state passes legislation like Ammendment 2 last year, it is only a matter of time before the same methods are used elsewhere.

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