Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Anti-Christian violence continues in India

Update: New Article

Please pray for the end to violence in India.

Catholic Culture headline

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Debate On Whether Brain Death is Suitable for Organ Donation Continues

The philosophical debate on what determines the point at at which a person is declared dead is ongoing, and impacts the matter of organ donation significantly. As Catholic Culture reports: "If 'brain death' is not to be considered real death, virtually all transplants of vital organs would be morally illicit, since these organs are invariably taken from 'brain dead' donors. (When death is judged by traditional standards, the organs have already deteriorated enough to be unsuitable for transplantation.) The Church has clearly and repeatedly endorsed organ donation-- several reporters noted that Pope Benedict himself carries an organ-donor card-- and transplants are done at countless Catholic hospitals. So the stakes in this debate are very high."

The recent challenge to the use of the brain death definition as the acceptable parameter for collecting organs from a patient has been raised by Lucetta Scaraffia in the magazine, L'Osservatore Romano.
Catholic Culture Article 1

Catholic Culture Article 2

Thursday, September 4, 2008

UN Secretary General Invites Cardinal Maradiaga to Discuss Global Poverty

The UN has set goals to reduce poverty throughout the world to certain percentages by 2015. However, the projections for many countries are far below the planned pace to assist those suffering from destitution. Cardinal Maradiaga, the president of Caritatis Internationalis, submitted that these goals to reduce poverty are important, but revealed that faith-based organizations like Caritatis are not supported in their efforts to assist those in want.

Zenit Source Article

Caritatis in India , in Georgia, Caritatis Sounds off on Aid to Africa