Tuesday, February 12, 2008



The Nebraska legislature could soon consider a bill that would make Nebraska the new cloning capital. LB 606 was supposedly crafted by state Sen. Steve Lathrop (D) as a "compromise" with an outright cloning ban that recently died in the state's Judiciary Committee. As part of the push to pass the bill, Nebraskans will be told that the legislation "bans human cloning" and prevents state dollars from paying for the inhuman practice. Although it is true that residents would not have to foot the bill for cloning or embryo destruction, there is no sugar-coating the fact that the state would ultimately pay by making the Nebraska policy like that of California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey--one that approves of privately financed cloning-to-kill. Under Lathrop's bill, scientists can make all the human clones they want for experimentation, so long as they don't let them live! Unfortunately, leaders rejected a real ban on human cloning, LB 700, authored by state Sen. Mark Christensen (R), which would have completely prohibited the production of cloned human embryos in Nebraska. Instead, residents will be presented with a deceptive "compromise" and asked to accept human cloning in their state. If Sen. Lathrop wants a true compromise, he'll remove Section 3, which approves privately funded human cloning, from the bill. The citizens of Nebraska should loudly oppose the fake cloning ban and demand that their Senators remove Section 3--or reject the bill entirely and reintroduce LB 700, a bona fide ban on human cloning. They don't need CLONEhuskers in the Cornhusker state! If you live in Nebraska, contact Speaker Mike Flood at 402-471-2929 or through e-mail at mflood@leg.ne.gov and urge him to stop LB 606. - From Family Research Council email.

Additional Information:

Nebraska Right to Life


Timothy Foy said...

Nice post, JPII_TOB!

Ryan said...

Why thank you Tim I hope it brings attention to some of our guys, so they can tell their families.
