Monday, April 21, 2008

Parliament of European Union Affirms Legal Abortion and Calls All Nations to Legalize

April 18, 2008 - The Council or Parliament of the EU passed a non-binding resolution that a woman should have the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. The bill passed 102-69. Proponents of the bill cited the threat of underground abortions, as has been claimed by pro-abortion groups in the U.S. (apparently without evidence). Further, Gisela Wurm claimed that laws restricting abortion are actually in themselves a form of violence against women. The countries stated by CWNews to have strongly dissented are Ireland and Malta. However, there must have been more - for if the Wikipedia article below is accurate in its description of the council - they only have a combined voting power of 10 votes. Poland is another likely country to have voted nay.

article from CWNews

article on EU council from Wikipedia

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