Friday, December 7, 2007

UN Organization Seeks to Introduce New Sexual Orientation "Rights" in Part by Restricting Language

CWNews relates,
"The UNESCO guidelines, set forth for UN documents on the topics of HIV and AIDS, is designed to “provide guidance towards using uniform, correct, gender-sensitive, non-discriminatory and culturally-appropriate language that promotes universal human rights,” and to rid UN discourse of “problematic terminology.” According to UNESCO, terms such as “risky sex,” “promiscuous,” and “prostitute” are discriminatory and should be replaced with “unprotected sex,” “having multiple partners,” and “commercial sex worker."

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) had a budget of 544 million dollars over the period of 2002-2003. The U.S. withdrew in 1984, but rejoined in 2003 and is the 10th largest bilateral donor.

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