Read this article below from the Catholic League that calls for a boycott of Miller Beer. It seems they are supporting some pretty anti-Catholic undertakings in San Francisco:
September 27, 2007
Catholic League president Bill Donohue announced a national boycott of Miller Beer on this morning’s “Fox and Friends.” He explains why today:
“Never have we experienced greater corporate arrogance than in this dispute with the Miller Brewing Company. Miller is sponsoring an incredibly outrageous and palpably anti-Christian event in San Francisco: the Folsom Street Fair (see its website at and be prepared to see the shocking photos of what goes on). Be sure to access our website at to see the pictures not only of the fair, but of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an anti-Catholic group that is holding a mock Last Supper dinner tonight in San Francisco. The Sisters is one of the organizations that is receiving funding from this Miller-sponsored event.
“This all started when we learned that Miller was sponsoring an event that featured an obscene ad thrashing the Last Supper. After being pressured, Miller offered a lame statement of regret and said it was pulling its logo from the ad. Not only has it not done so—it is still posted on the website of the street fair—Miller refuses to withdraw its sponsorship. To top it off, when we informed them that some of the money being raised at this festival was being funneled to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, they were unimpressed.
“Accordingly, Miller leaves us with no options: we are calling on more than 200 Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu organizations to join with us in a nationwide boycott of Miller beer. We feel confident that once our religious allies kick in, and once the public sees the photos of an event Miller is proudly supporting, the Milwaukee brewery will come to its senses and pull its sponsorship altogether. If it doesn’t, the only winners will be Anheuser Busch and Coors.”
Contact: Miller spokesman Julian Green at
Kiera M. McCaffrey
Director of Communications
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
450 Seventh AvenueNew York, NY 10123
212-371-3394 (fax)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Hold On, Verizon Updated their Old Policy - NARAL Messages Okay Now
Just an update to the previous post.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Verizon Refuses NARAL a Text Messaging Program
NARAL - a leading abortion rights group will not be able to start a Verizon plan of sending their mass messages. Verizon has stated this is not NARAL's position one way or the other, but the topic itself that is off limits.
original source
original source
40 Days for Life
An exciting Pro-Life movement called 40 Days for Life kicked off yesterday, September 26th, and continues until November 4th. It takes place in many cities throughout the country. Those who participate are asked to pray, fast, and take part in a 40-day vigil at various abortion facilites. Unfortunately there is no local program here in St. Louis, but we can certainly add our efforts of prayer and fasting to this important endeavor.
For more info, check out the website: 40 Days for Life.
For more info, check out the website: 40 Days for Life.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Pope Describes St. John Chrysostom as a Father of Church Social Doctrine
The Pope related today that besides his role as a teacher and theologian, St. John Chrysostom was a reformer. He was concerned for women, marriage, and the family in addition to setting a high standard for austerity and almsgiving. Not afraid to take the message to the political realm, St. Chrysostom was eventually exiled for his convictions .
"Not to enable the poor to share in our goods is to steal from them and deprive them of life. The goods we possess are not ours, but theirs." - St. John Chrysostom, Homily in Lazaro 2, 5; J.P. Migne, ed., Patrologia Graeca (Paris, 1857-1855)
"Not to enable the poor to share in our goods is to steal from them and deprive them of life. The goods we possess are not ours, but theirs." - St. John Chrysostom, Homily in Lazaro 2, 5; J.P. Migne, ed., Patrologia Graeca (Paris, 1857-1855)
Burma's Buddhist Monks vs. Burmese Military
Apparently, a military group called the Junta runs Burma, despite losing a democratic election in 1990. Protesters, particularly local Buddhist monks have taken to the streets to demand the end of military rule for the last nine days. At least one monk has been killed, and the military has moved into position around six monasteries. The uprising has been sparked in part by the government's twofold increase in the price of fuel last month.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Bishops Discuss Refugees and Security with Congress
The USCCB discussed their desire to Congress that recently modified immigration law be modified yet again to enable legitimate refugees and asylum seekers who had been denied into the country. The bishops argue that there are several cases where the system is keeping out people for providing "material support" to terror groups when this "material support" was forced upon them.
The USCCB also requested that the definitions for terrorist activity and terrorist organization be altered to exclude those groups that are not threatening the US and fail to meet terror organization activity. The USCCB site says that the current definition of terrorist activity possibly covers groups that while they may used armed force are struggling against 'brutal regimes and dictatorships'.
The USCCB site mentions that the bishops did commend Congress' role in securing the country from external threats including acts of terrorism.
full text of Bishop Wenski's Testimony
The USCCB also requested that the definitions for terrorist activity and terrorist organization be altered to exclude those groups that are not threatening the US and fail to meet terror organization activity. The USCCB site says that the current definition of terrorist activity possibly covers groups that while they may used armed force are struggling against 'brutal regimes and dictatorships'.
The USCCB site mentions that the bishops did commend Congress' role in securing the country from external threats including acts of terrorism.
full text of Bishop Wenski's Testimony
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Scientists Growing Human Eggs - Future Use in IVF
An experimental fertility procedure is being tested in the UK. It includes a small surgery to remove slivers from the woman's ovary with potentially thousands of immature eggs that could then be 'banked' until the woman wants to have a child. At that point some of her eggs could then be grown in a lab until the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process is conducted. This will likely significantly reduce the costs of IVF, a procedure the Catholic Church is firmly opposed to, as it excludes the unitive act of procreation and generally includes the destruction of unwanted human embryos.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Court Decision Delays any Aurora Abortion Mill Opening
This is great news from Aurora, Illinois where the building permit procurement for a new Planned Parenthood Clinic is legally being reviewed. Meanwhile, the doors to the travesty must stay closed. There are possible charges of fraud in PP's disclosure on who was going to be operating the facility. They were filtering their identity through a subsidiary company called "Gemini". Apparently, there's something about having a Planned Parenthood next door that isn't so attractive to a large number of people. I wonder what that could be.....
I suppose now we should look out for corporate donations to a company named Gemini as well.,0,217658.story?coll=chi-nonmmxent-utl
I suppose now we should look out for corporate donations to a company named Gemini as well.,0,217658.story?coll=chi-nonmmxent-utl
Thursday, September 20, 2007
CDF: No Removal of Food and Water from Unconscious/Vegetative Patients for Sake of Killing Patients
A Papal Document yesterday announces that nutrition and hydration cannot be removed from a patient to starve them to death simply because they are in a vegetative state or have lost consciousness. In the rare case that providing nutrition and hydration actually do harm to the patient they might still be removed.
Support for the Vatican's decision on this matter has been voiced from some in the Muslim community as detailed here:
Support for the Vatican's decision on this matter has been voiced from some in the Muslim community as detailed here:
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Poverty USA

Here are some interesting facts that you may not know about poverty in the U.S.:
- There are 37 million people living below the poverty line in the United States
- A single parent of two young children working full-time in a minimum wage job for a year would make $10,712 before taxes—a wage $4,865 below the poverty threshold set by the federal government.
- The poverty rate for America's elderly population - those people over 65 - stands at 10.1 percent, or one out of every ten seniors, while the child poverty rate is 17.6 percent, or one out of every six children in America.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Poland won't unite with EU against death penalty; pushes to discuss abortion ban
This is a short but interesting article from Catholic World News. Poland seems to be making a habit of going it alone in Europe. This doesn't seem to be the most overtly Christian stance it's taken. However, Poland has recently been stalwart in the defense of marriage and has upheld it's ban on almost all abortion procedures to the chagrin of the EU.
KSJ has blogged on
Greetings. This is our newest piece of realty online. Hopefully, it will be easier to use and exchange information and archive with than the google group page. To start this thing off right, a quote from the CCC.
#1878: All men are called to the same end: God Himself. There is a certain resemblance between the unity of the divine persons and the fraternity that men are to establish among themselves in truth and love. Love of neighbor is inseparable from love for God.
#1878: All men are called to the same end: God Himself. There is a certain resemblance between the unity of the divine persons and the fraternity that men are to establish among themselves in truth and love. Love of neighbor is inseparable from love for God.
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