“Our human law should nearer the natural law... should nearer God’s law. Our Lady is the 5 Star General of the Church Militant...,” was what Fr. Euteneuer said in a statement regarding secular models when fighting the issue of abortion and Our Lady’s role in the fight. Fr. Thomas Euteneuer is president of Human Life International, the largest pro-life, pro-family organization in the world, and recently sat down for an interview with Inside the Vatican Magazine, to speak about the struggle against abortion.
In his reference to a statement that Archbishop Burke said at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in May 2009, father reminds all catholics as well as men and women of good will, that we must never tire of fighting to restore laws to what God had in mind for all mankind from the beginning - justice, goodness, and truth. Father, an exorcist, believes that the fight against the destruction of life is a battle that can only be won with the help of Our Lady and by the Spirit because it is a battle so engrained in society that only by transforming the soul of each human person (who contains the seed of natural law as being created in the image and likeness of God) will laws be changed to combat the ‘combination of lies and language’ of the evil one which have ‘distorted the fundamental concepts of right and wrong’ leading to systematic atheism and mass murder.
Towards the conclusion of the interview father emphasized to all that “we are all missionaries of life in our society, and if we renounce our responsibility to do that, we will have to stand before the judgement seat of God one day, and account for that.”
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